INCOG works closely with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, the Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce, and local chambers of commerce to grow the regional economy and retain and attract jobs to the Tulsa region. INCOG assists member governments and businesses in the identification of potential infrastructure projects and provides technical assistance with the development of applications for both the Community Development Block Grant/Economic Development Infrastructure Financing (CDBG/EDIF) program, and Economic Development Administration (EDA) programs. Staff is available to assist members with the development of local strategies and how to take full advantage of existing financial resources for infrastructure development.
INCOG is designated as an Economic Development District (INCOG-EDD) by the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration. The INCOG-EDD serves Creek, Osage, and Tulsa counties. INCOG’s Economic Development staff provides services and support for member counties and communities.
Staff also prepares and updates the INCOG-EDD Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) every five years with annual amendments as needed. The goal of the CEDS process is to facilitate the planning process for the region by generating a locally based blueprint for economic growth and development. The CEDS also allows communities within the region to be eligible for federal Economic Development Administration (EDA) funding and identifies specific economic development projects. The CEDS is also recognized as an eligible planning document for other federal funding opportunities.
For more information, contact:
Wilson Fram, Economic Development Planner
Julie Miner,
Economic Development Planner
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the INCOG-EDD (Economic Development District) represents a combined multi-county (Creek, Osage, and Tulsa) effort to bring economic improvement to the area. The CEDS summarizes past development efforts in the district, describes the area's economy, provides geographic and demographic information, identifies potentials and constraints with development, and outlines six specific goals to improve economic development throughout the district.
The INCOG-EDD was formally designated by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) in 2008. The INCOG District receives planning funds from EDA that allows the INCOG-EDD to implement and update the CEDS that has been prepared and approved for the region. The actions and strategies in the document were designed to have the INCOG-EDD work to supplement and support the existing economic development organizations and groups that exist within the region and to fill gaps as needed.
INCOG developed the Comprehensive Strategy in an effort to establish a regional economic development framework for three counties in the INCOG area, Tulsa, Creek, and Osage. |
2023-2027 INCOG-EDD Economic Development Plan CEDS document
2023-2027 INCOG-EDD Economic Development Plan CEDS Appendix
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EDA Funding
EDA assists rural and urban areas experiencing high unemployment, low income, or other severe economic distress, such as sudden and severe economic dislocations including: recovery from the economic impacts of natural disasters, the closing of military installations and other federal facilities, changes in trade patterns, and the depletion of natural resources. The most common use of EDA dollars is within the following programs:
Public Works: EDA investments fund locally developed public works infrastructure projects to allow communities to establish and support private sector businesses.
Local Technical Assistance: EDA’s local technical assistance grants help to fill the knowledge gaps that inhibit communities from responding to development opportunities or solving specific economic problems. A common purpose of these grants is to determine the feasibility of proposed economic development investments.
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Economic Development Infrastructure Financing (EDIF)
The Oklahoma Department of Commerce Community Development Block Grant/Economic Development Infrastructure Financing (CDBG/EDIF) program provides public infrastructure financing to help communities grow jobs, enable new business startups, and expansions for existing businesses.
The objective of this program is the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities principally for people earning low to moderate incomes. The state program will achieve this national objective by funding projects in which at least 51 percent of the new jobs created are made available to low and moderate income individuals, with a maximum of $10,000 in funding per job created.
Types of Projects Funded
Publicly owned and maintained improvements that will provide basic infrastructure services to a new or expanding business, including water, wastewater, transportation improvements, and rehabilitation and new construction of publicly owned industrial buildings.
Typical Uses of Funds
- Acquisition of real property for public ownership and maintenance;
- Acquisition of public facilities for public ownership and maintenance (except for buildings used for the general conduct of government);
- Construction of public facilities;
- Installation of public facilities;
- Reconstruction of publicly owned and maintained industrial buildings or structures and other industrial real property;
- Rehabilitation of publicly owned and maintained industrial buildings or structures and other industrial real property;
- Publicly owned fiber optic lines.
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