INCOG provides extensive grant writing, administration and technical assistance services to member governments in a broad array of programs. INCOG provides management assistance to local governments related to the assessment and development of financing strategies for public infrastructure improvements. These strategies include the development and submittal of applications for loans and grants to a wide variety of state and federal agencies and the development of Tax Incentive Districts and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts.
Examples of INCOG Community Development activities include:
- Assisting with development of grant and loan applications for infrastructure repair and improvements, public facilities and capital equipment
- Packaging multiple funding programs in order to ensure sufficient financing for community development projects
- Administering grant programs for water, wastewater, rural fire and other community needs
- Developing capital improvement plans including asset inventories and mapping
- Facilitating strategic planning efforts to build the capacity and increase sustainability of member governments
- Serving as liaison for member governments with funding and regulatory agencies such as the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, and the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development .
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Tulsa County Urban County
Community Development Block Grant Program
INCOG provides policy development, planning and administrative services for the Tulsa County Urban County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program on behalf of Tulsa County and the ten participating municipalities. Eligible projects and activities include water and wastewater system improvements; street improvements; parks; acquisition of real property for eligible public purposes; clearance, demolition and removal of buildings and improvements; senior citizen centers; gas and electrical system improvements; removal of architectural barriers which impede accessibility; storm water drainage improvements; and economic development.
For more information, contact:
Claudia Brierre, Director
Oklahoma Small Cities
Community Development
Block Grant Program
INCOG provides grant writing and administrative services for member governments for the various Oklahoma Community Development Block Grant programs (Water/Wastewater, Community Revitalization, Economic Development, CDBG/REAP, CIP Updates)
For more information, contact:
JT Darling, Senior Community Development Planner
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Handbook for Member Governments
This document outlines the Urban County CDBG program and provides guidelines to assist participating communities in preparing their applications and overseeing CDBG projects.
Click here for the Urban County CDBG Handbook for Member Governments
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CDBG Forms
Use these forms when requesting a reimbursement of Urban County CDBG funds:
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Rural Economic Action Program (REAP)
The Rural Economic Action Plan (REAP) grant program is a state program administered by INCOG to enhance the economic viability and development of the area's rural communities. The program was created by the State Legislature in 1996.
Communities and unincorporated areas with a population of 7,000 or less are eligible for project funding through grants distributed through an application process. Projects receiving funding should enhance economic development, promote intergovernmental cooperation, promote and enhance public health and safety, and/or implement regional or local plans.
INCOG's program consists of three funding set-asides: Community Development projects, Transportation, and matching funds for the CDBG-REAP program offered through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC). Funds from the REAP account are spent on projects as approved by the INCOG Board of Directors based on an evaluation of the needs of the entity requesting funding considering growth, per capita income, population, fiscal capacity, and local effort. Additionally, the merit of the application is evaluated based on cost effectiveness, health, safety and economic impacts, the degree to which the proposed project meets legislative intent, regional objectives, and the applicant’s readiness to proceed.
Eligible Categories are:
1. Rural water quality projects, including acquisition, treatment, distribution, and recovery of water;
2. Rural solid waste disposal, treatment, or similar projects;
3. Rural sanitary sewer construction or improvement projects;
4. Rural road or street construction or improvement projects;
5. Provision of rural fire protection services and public safety services;
6. Expenditures designed to increase the employment level within the area;
7. Provision of health care services, including emergency medical care in rural areas;
8. Construction or improvements of telecommunication facilities or systems;
9. Improvements of municipal energy distribution systems;
10. Community buildings, courthouses, town halls, senior nutrition centers, meeting rooms, or similar public facilities.
Click here for a list of the 2025 REAP recipients
For more information, contact:
JT Darling, Senior Community Development Planner
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Infrastructure Financing
INCOG assists member governments in identifying and applying for other state and federal loan and grant programs to meet local community development needs.
This assistance is provided in conjunction with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and/or Rural Economic Action Plan (REAP) projects or on a stand alone basis. INCOG staff provides grant/loan application assistance for funding through Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development and Community Facilities Programs, as well as other programs.
For more information, contact:
JT Darling, Senior Community Development Planner
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