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Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee
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Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee

The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.

1. Receive silver bicycle-friendly status from the League of American Bicyclists by 2022.

2. Receive bronze pedestrian-friendly status from Walk Friendly Communities by 2018.

3. Achieve a 50% reduction in traffic fatalities for people walking and bicycling every 10 years (7% annually). In order to bring attention to cyclist and pedestrian traffic fatalities, BPAC has developed this Crash Data Map based on information provided by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the SAFE-T Database.

4. Increase the bicycle commuter rate from 0.4% (in 2012) to 1% in 2020.
Increase the percent of pedestrian commuters from 2% (in 2012) to 3% in 2020. (data from US Census Bureau)
Increase the adult cycling participation rate from 25% (in 2015) to 35% in 2018
Increase the adult walking participation rate from 72% (in 2015) to 80% in 2018. (data from Tulsa Health Department’s Community Health Needs Assessment)

5. Dedicate 7% of transportation funding to bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, including 1% for maintenance of infrastructure.

This funding percentage includes ADA transition plan funding that updates sidewalks and/or other pedestrian improvements, complete streets/multi-modal studies, and bond packages dedicated solely to bike/ped infrastructure improvements

6. Implement the following actions in 2019:
A. Develop and implement Bike/Pedestrian Friendly Motorist training
B. Conduct a LCI (League Certified Instructor) training
A. Recruit Bike Friendly Business applicants - two per quarter for 2018
B. Work with City of Tulsa and school districts (Tulsa, Jenks, Union) to promote Walk and Bike to School/Work activities
C. Investigate the possibility of a coalition dedicated to walkability
D. Advocate/support an Active Transportation (bike/walk) Coordinator at the City of Tulsa

7. Oversee and encourage implementation of the GoPlan, with a goal of 10% implementation in the City of Tulsa by 2019.

Committee Members

BPAC Citizen Members Representing
Mitch Drummond - Chair Pedestrian-Accessibility
Larry Mitchell - Vice Chair City of Tulsa
Lauren Wagner - Secretary University
Sarah Kobos Commuting Cyclist
Nathan Leigh City of Tulsa
J.D. Walker City of Tulsa
Adam Vandenburg At Large
Elaine Meek Pedestrian Accessibility
Kolby Webster At Large
BPAC Institutional Advisors Representing
Nick Doctor City of Tulsa Mayor's Office
Alana Tipton This Machine Bikeshare
Jane Ziegler INCOG
Matt Liechti City of Tulsa Engineering Services
Gary Percefull Tulsa School Board
Isaiah Persson Tulsa Health Dept.
Stephen Place Tulsa Hub
Kurt Kraft City of Tulsa Planning/Traffic
Tim Stendel City of Tulsa Police Department
Shelby Templin Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT)
John Tankard INCOG
Brian Kurtz Downtown Coordinating Council

BPAC Bylaws

Consensus Building Approach

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Tulsa BPAC meets the 1st Thursday of each month from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm.
Meetings are held at the Tulsa Fire Alarm Building, 1010 E 8th Street

The public is welcome to attend. If you have an item to bring to the floor, please email BPAC at BPACTUL@gmail.com before the meeting with a description of the concern or idea to be discussed.

2018 Minutes Archive   2019 Minutes Archive   2020 Minutes Archive
January 4 January 3   January 9
February 1 February 7   February 6
March 1 March 7   March 5
April 5 April 4   May 7
May 3 May 2   June 4
June 7 June 6   July 9
July 12 July 11    
August 2 August 1    
September 6 September 5    
October 4 October 3    
November 1 November 7    
December 6      

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For more information about the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee contact:
Jane Ziegler, Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator

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