Community Development
Action Plans and
Performance Reports
Economic Development
Capital Improvements Program (CIP)
Community Planning Program
Arkansas River Development





The Oklahoma Local and Regional Capital Improvement Planning Act of 1991 sets out a framework that encourages planning for future development, growth, and improvement through inventory and analysis, policy development, and implementation strategies. Since 1993, INCOG staff has been working with member municipalities to develop Capital Improvement Plans (CIP).

A CIP is an inventory of a municipality’s capital assets, a summary of the characteristics, and a plan for improvement or replacement.  Capital assets are items for which improvement or replacement is infrequent and must be planned for in advance.  The CIP acts as a guide to ensure that the community's assets will continually deliver a satisfactory level of service to its residents.

The format of the Capital Improvement Plan follows the guidelines of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce for CIPs, and utilizes their inventory forms.  The CIP is divided into three sections: a five-year schedule for asset improvement or replacement, mapping of the geographically distributed assets, and grouping of assets into five community categories (administration, parks, public safety, streets, and utilities).