
Meetings and Agendas
CTAG Issues Slate
One Voice Agenda
Links and Resources



INCOG advocates for legislative issues that affect local governments. On the state level, the Coalition of Tulsa Area Governments (CTAG), comprised of twelve local governments, adopts a legislative slate and advocates for its enactment. Staff maintains a continuing dialog with both state and federal elected officials to advance issues of importance to the region.

INCOG supports CTAG by providing staff assistance to draft bills, monitor legislation, and advocate for issues which directly affect CTAG member governments. INCOG works to create and broaden alliances with other Oklahoma governments and the private sector on selected legislative issues.

INCOG is also an active participant in the regional One Voice state and federal legislative agenda in cooperation with area chambers of commerce and local governments. The INCOG Board of Directors votes annually to endorse the One Voice legislative agenda.

Members of CTAG include: Bixby, Broken Arrow, Catoosa, Claremore, Collinsville, Glenpool, Jenks, Mannford, Owasso, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Tulsa, Tulsa County, and INCOG.

CTAG will support legislation that:
Encourages inter-governmental cooperation among and between cities and counties
• Promotes diversification of municipal revenue sources
• Enhances local government efficiency and effectiveness
• Protects local control of local issues (no pre-emption)
• Empowers local governments to promote economic development

CTAG will oppose legislation that:
• Enacts mandates for local governments without a corresponding revenue source (unfunded mandates)
• Increases fees on local governments purely to fund the operation of state government.

For more information, contact:
Rich Brierre
Executive Director
Ladonna Brewer
Executive Assistant