
Meetings & Agendas
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2024 Meetings & Agendas

Transportation Policy Committee
The INCOG Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) serves as the forum for policy development and adoption in the local urban transportation planning process as it relates to present and future intermodal transportation systems within the Tulsa Transportation Management Area. It reviews regional plans, programs, and documents and upon approval forwards them to the INCOG Board of Directors, acting as the Metropolitan Planning Organization, for endorsement and inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan.

All regularly scheduled meetings of the Transportation Policy Committee listed below are held at:
INCOG Large Conference Room
2 West Second Street, Suite 800, Tulsa, OK
unless otherwise noted at 10:30 am.


Transportation Technical Committee -
The INCOG Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) serves the Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) in an advisory capacity on all technical matters concerning present and future intermodal transportation systems within the Tulsa Transportation Management Area. It reviews regional plans and serves as a forum for local governmental units and modal agencies to express their interests in technical matters, encourages development of a regional, integrated, intermodal transportation system in the Tulsa Transportation Management area.

All regularly scheduled meetings of the Transportation Technical Committee listed below are held at:
INCOG Large Conference Room
2 West Second Street, Suite 800, Tulsa, OK
unless otherwise noted at 10:00 am.

January 31 Agenda
February 28 CANCELLED
March 27 Agenda
May 29 Agenda
June 25 - Special Agenda
July 31  
August 28  
September 25  
October 30  
December 4  
January 17 Agenda
February 21 CANCELLED
March 20 Agenda Addendum
May 15 Agenda
June 25 - Special Agenda
July 17 Agenda
August 21  
September 18  
October 16  
November 20