Air Quality
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Green Country
Stormwater Alliance
Energy Programs
Tulsa Area Clean Cities
Hazard Mitigation Planning
Metropolitan Environmental Trust (M.e.t.)




Hazard Mitigation Planning

Natural hazards and hazardous materials events occur and will continue to occur; but they do not have to be disasters.  Hazard mitigation planning is preparing for a hazard before the hazard occurs.  The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program provides the framework for state and local governments to evaluate and mitigate hazards.  The program is also a condition for receiving federal disaster mitigation assistance.  The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is administered through the State of Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, and follows the format developed by FEMA.  The major requirement of the program is the development of multi-hazard mitigation plans.  Since 2004, INCOG staff has worked with member governments to develop hazard mitigation plans.

Multi-hazard mitigation plans address natural hazards and hazardous materials events.  The plan provides guidance for hazard recognition and understanding, and the identification of hazard mitigation activities. 

Counties are encouraged to have mitigation plans, and include the communities in their county with populations less than 25,000.  Communities with populations greater than 25,000 are encouraged to have their own multi-hazard mitigation plan.  All plans are to include the school districts in their jurisdiction.