Tri-County Council on Aging
(TCCA) Overview
The INCOG Board of Directors governs the Area Agency on Aging. An Advisory council, the Tri-County Council on Aging (TCCA), is appointed by the INCOG Board of Directors. The TCCA carries out advisory functions which further the area agency’s mission of developing and coordinating community-based systems of services for all older persons in the planning and service area.
The advisory council is separate and distinct from the area agency governing board and is composed of:
- More than 50 percent of older persons, including minority individuals
- Representatives of older persons
- Representatives of health care provider organizations
- Representatives of supportive service providers organizations
- Persons with leadership experience in the voluntary and private sectors
- Local elected officials
- General public
The responsibility of the advisory council is to advise the area agency relative to:
- Developing and administering the area plan
- Conducting public hearings
- Representing the interests of older persons
- Reviewing and commenting on all community policies, programs, and actions which affect older persons with the intent of assuring maximum coordination and responsiveness to older persons.
TCCA Committees
Resource Allocation Committee
The primary responsibilities of the Resource Allocation Committee are to evaluate the utilization of existing resources and to ensure adequate coverage of services provided under provision of the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended. After receiving reports and priorities from the Needs Analysis Committee and Agency on Aging staff, the Resource Allocation Committee will perform the following courses of action:
- Review the funding formula and advise the INCOG Area Agency on Aging on the allocation of funds;
- Approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) and the preliminary allocations of funds for the following grant year;
- Review applications for funding and recommend projects to be funded for the following grant year to the Tri-County Council on Aging and INCOG Board of Directors;
- Review the utilization of existing resources to ensure that maximum value is being obtained from them.
Legislative/Education Committee
The primary responsibility of the Legislative/Education Committee is to provide council members with information related to legislative activities that may affect senior citizens. This committee meets regularly during the legislative session and also plans the annual Legislative Breakfast which is held in October each year.
Finance Committee
It is the duty of the Finance Committee to maintain financial records that show sources and amounts of income, disbursements, and transfers of funds of the Council on Aging. The committee receives and reviews all requests for disbursements and reports findings and recommendations to the Council on Aging. The Finance Committee makes a full financial report annually to the Council and interim financial reports at each monthly meeting of the Council.
Monitoring and Evaluation Committee
Monitoring and Evaluation relates to management of the total program. Where monitoring is the day-to-day observation of activities, evaluation is a review of the direction and effectiveness of major aspects of the aging in terms of priorities, as established, and the laws, rules and policies by which programs are administered.
Although program activities are those most often reviewed by the committee, the effective use of funds and financial accountability are also appropriate areas of concern. The Monitoring and Evaluation Committee reports to the Council on Aging its findings and recommendations for further funding prior to making final awards for the following year.
Activities include conducting surveys, public forums or review of census data. The conclusion of Needs Analysis activities includes the prioritization of needs. The identified priority needs are then incorporated into the Area Plan.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the chair, vice-chair, standing committee chairs and two representatives appointed by the chair assuring membership from each county. The Executive Committee has authority to implement courses of action approved by the Council on Aging. It may also act on urgent matters between meetings, pending approval by the Council on Aging.
TCCA Members
Roberta Dake
Vice Chairman
Bob Lewis
Bachelor, Michelle
Baul, Beverly
Gotwals, Charles
Guinan, Jacob
Grant, Suelen
Heard, Larry
Henley, Dennis
Lewis, Bob
Love, Margaret
McGhay, Carolyn
McGilbra, Frank
Mitchell, Margo
Staebel, Ryan
Ziglar, Rev. Richard |
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2025 Council Meetings and Agendas
January 10 - Resource Allocation Commmittee |
January 13 - Resource Allocation Commmittee |
Agenda |
January 15 |
Agenda |
February 19 |
March 19 |
Agenda |
April 16 |
May 21 |
June 18 |
July 16 |
August 20 |
September 17 |
October 15 |
November 19 |
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